Spolupráca s belgickým e-won - článok na webe


Researchers’ Night 2013 SR, OC Optima, Košice

scientific DCAI stand with eWON


Science Festival - Noc výskumníkov (Researchers’ Night) took place in OC Optima on 27th of September 2013. At this Science Festival, a scientific presentation team, including Ing. Iveta Zolotová, presented the proximity of science to the general public, as well as to  the youngest “scientists”. This event was called Dotyky s kybernetikou a umelou inteligenciou (Encounters with cybernetics and artificial intelligence). An eWON industrial router was included in the presentation. It was provided to the university by ControlSystem, s.r.o. as a part of eWON On Campus program.


ewon optima




Researchers’ Night 2013 SR, OC Optima, Košice - scientific DCAI stand with eWON

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source: ewon

Thursday the 9th. Inteligentné Kybernetické Systémy. All rights reserved.