Laboratórne prípadové štúdie
- Details
- Category: Uncategorised
- Published: Thursday, 21 December 2017 13:26
- Written by Super User
- Hits: 2810
- Simulačné modely mechatronických systémov - mobilné roboty, acrobot, pendubot, gulôčka na rovine
- Simulačné modely dopravných systémov - križovatka, semafór
- Simulačný model poruchovosti výrobnej linky - Mapping of machine faults using tools of World Class Manufacturing
- IoT a SOA v riadení, moderné architektúry Industry 4.0 a IITA
- Industry IoT Gateway for Cloud Connectivity; Industrial Gateway for Data Acquisition and Remote Control
- SOA vzdialeného riadenia na báze priemyselného smerovača, VPN servera a mobilného klienta
- Web Technologies in Industry HM
- Data acquisition and remote control with SOA and CPS
- Security of digital assets and anonymity of the owners
- Dátové modely
- Analysis of data from the monitoring environment to Improve It Processes
- Design of Models for the Selection of the Suitable Platform in the Area Of Data Analysis
- Realization of production process information system on RDBS oracle base
- Design of Decision Support System in Data Analysis Area
- Procesné modely - Procesné modelovanie a jeho vplyv na stratégiu riadenia podniku z pohľadu bezpečnosti
- Simulačné modely kyber-fyzikálnych systémov
- Analysis with Use of Business Intelligence and Big Data with Focus on Industrial Systems
- Nonholonomic Mobile Robot with Differential Chassis Mathematical Modelling and Implementation in Simulink with Friction in Dynamics
- Program Tools for Modeling and Control of Underactuated Mechanical Systems
- Research Activities of the Center of Modern Control Techniques and Industrial Informatics
- Distributed Control System for Mobile Robots with Differential Drive
- Cyber-Physical System Implementation into the Distributed Control System
- Selected Methods of Predictive Control and Concept Design for Diagnosis System of Intelligent Positioning Plate
- Model systému s diskrétnymi udalosťami - Application of Stateflow Diagrams in Production Line Modeling
- Realizácia informačných systémov výrobných procesov - Information system of automated assembly line on RDBS Oracle base
- Prípadové štúdie Internet of Everthings
- IoT Household Controlledby Cloud Technology
- Industrial IoT Gateway with Machine Learning for Smart Manufacturing
- Using information entropy in smart sensors for decentralized data acquisition architecture
- Komunikácie v laboratórnych modeloch
- Control and Teleoperation of Robot Khepera via Android Mobile Device through Bluetooth and WiFi
- Riadenie reálnej sústavy pomocou rozhrania LabJack
- Simulačné a komunikačné aplikácie pre laboratórny model Mobilný kufor
- Inteligencia v kontexte Industry 4.0 Implementácia inteligentného softvéru - s využitím IBM Watson a Bluemix
- Cloudové služby a Industry 4.0
- Comparison between Multi-Class Classifiers and Deep Learning with focus on Industry 4.0
- Priemysel 4.0 na Katedre kybernetiky a umelej inteligencie FEI TU v Košiciach - Smart Industry / Industry 4.0
- SOA v cloude - Smart Industry / Priemysel 4.0
- Dátová analytika v cloude; - Better IT services by means of data mining
- Data Analysis Using Linear Mixed Models